How Cultural Activities Teach Children Lessons Beyond Culture
Children see the world the way it is meant to be. Undivided by any boundary and united in every aspect. Free from any biases, children cherish every festival and adorn every culture to their heart’s content. For them, every reason to celebrate is most welcome!
As a child’s first diverse learning environment, parents and schools shoulder the responsibility of simplifying the legends & lessons of every religion and culture.
These when delivered innovatively through colourful, fun, displays, dramas, craft, dances, musical activities and other creative ways teach a child lessons beyond festivities. They teach morals and values such as goodness and empathy that draw light upon the similarities between us all.
1. First and foremost, children model what they see, so the teacher’s inclusion and acceptance of different ideas, customs, and traditions help them learn to accept and respect all.
2. Classrooms can choose to display pictures or artwork on the wall that feature a variety of multicultural children. Posters, pictures, maps, and regalia of many kinds are essential in helping students develop a mental image thereby providing visual recognition of one another’s culture.
3. Dramatic plays with diversity dress up incorporate diversity; broadens their perspective about other’s feelings and instil a sense of empathy and respect. Also, role plays and stories leave children with moral lessons. For e.g., a roleplay on Ramayana leaves the children with the lesson-“Good wins over evil.”
4. Visit historic/cultural places such as museums with art and exhibits are a great way to learn about cultural heritage.
5. Incorporating music from a variety of cultures during festival celebrations, featuring different types of instruments demonstrates the importance of music to many different cultures
Along with the learning, participation and winning is a must for children and that is exactly what students of Icon have been achieving.